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دانلود مستند Marta's Suitcase 2013

دانلود مستند Marta's Suitcase (2013)

Marta's Suitcase (2013)


خلاصه انگلیسی

Marta's case is particularly significant because it breaks many stereotypes about gender violence. For one she never suffered physical abuse before the attempted murder and she does not come from modest or marginal family. As she says: 'There is no profile for battered women and it can touch anyone.' She also is a strong woman and a fighter who is not afraid to criticize the ineffectiveness of institutions. For me as a man was also very important to approach the male and try to find out what hap

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از به کار بردن سلام و احوال پرسی در نظرات و قسمت تماس با ما پرهیز کنید.

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