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دانلود مستند Mr. Chibbs 2017

دانلود مستند Mr. Chibbs (2017)

Mr. Chibbs (2017)


خلاصه انگلیسی

"Mr. Chibbs" is an observational feature length documentary that follows NBA All-Star Kenny Anderson, in the midst of a mid life crisis, dealing with drinking issues, attempting to get a job, and on a journey to find himself ten years post retirement. Everything came easy, but when he lost it all, he had to figure out who he was minus his famous handle. A story about society and its prodigies. Featuring Kenny Anderson, Natasha Anderson, David Falk,Kenny Smith, Vince Smith, Coach Bobby Cremins, C

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باکس تورنت

دیدگاه شما ؟

از به کار بردن سلام و احوال پرسی در نظرات و قسمت تماس با ما پرهیز کنید.

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سوالی دارید ؟ با پشتیبانی ما در تلگرام تماس بگیرید

